Monday, March 23, 2009

Tetoris/Tetris HD

For today's free Tetris variant, I present to you Tetoris, also known as Tetris HD. You can see the concept, can you not? It really is just the same old Tetris, with a twist. However, the twist concists of the expansion of the glass from the standard ten columns to some three hundred. One single line takes minutes to clear. Also, the height of the glass at a minimum of two hundred and fifty lines, makes the game almost impossible to lose. Supposed that anyone would be patient enough to play it, that is.

What else to say... We do not get any points from just dropping a tetromino. The next tetromino is previewed at it's starting position, which seems to be randomized. By using the three icons at the top right of the screen, we can pause the game for a maximum of five minutes. The "Key" icon gives us another control system, where we have access to two "soft drops", one much faster than the other, but still a soft drop. We have a sparse number of sound effects, which we can mute with the third icon.

This is what the game looks like after leaving it on while writing this post:
As we can see, the randomizer works well in distributing the starting positions of the tetrominos. It will probably take over one hour to reach the top of the glass. We have a timer at the top left, for the patient player who wishes to experiment with these statistics.

In all, it could with a few modifications (i.e. a black rather than white background, and perhaps with tetrominos of double size) become a pretty stylish, although not very efficent, screen saver. As a game, it is the joke it most likely was intended to be. Nothing less, nothing more.

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